Zan!!Fried noodles

The traditional dish of Fried noodle is kind of homemade-style noodles, which can be found in most of the Chinese food market. More common is that Japanese are used to cook udon noodles as a substitute. Noodles are cooked with meat, cabbage, Onions. The dish is a staple of south of China cuisine, which is usually served at dumpling houses. But now Fried noodles is becoming kind of western cook.

Fried noodles can use different kinds of noodles cooked include wide or thin noodles, noodles, all kinds of vegetables such as carrots, Onions, cabbage, green peppers, garlic sprout, mushrooms, etc. The Chinese people usually add extra large amounts of salt and soy sauce flavor.

This dish would be paired with kai-lan.


  • 200g noodles
  • 100g lean pork (beef or egg can also be used instead)
  • 150g garlic sprouts (cabbage or green beans)
  • 2 small green peppers
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1/2 small onion


  1. Noodles are best cooked in a steamer. Fill the steamer pot 1/4 full of water. Grease the steamer basket with a thin layer of oil to prevent the noodles from sticking. Place the steamer basket in the pot, add noodles, cover and steam for 2-3 minutes. Take the noodles out and put into a bowl, add some cooking oil and stir it well with chopsticks. Return noodles to steamer and stream for another 2-3 minutes. Place in a bowl.
  2. Put a hot pot under high temperature. Add some cooking oil to the edge of the coat. Put the lean pork and stir fry until the meat turns into a light yellow color. Add pepper, ginger, green onion. Stir fry for 20 seconds. Stir fry all the vegetables and stir for 1 minutes.
  3. Add some salt and chicken essence, stir fry for 10 seconds. Finally, add the noodles and tomato sauce, and then stir fry for 1 minutes.
  4. Lay the fried potato and burger on a plate. Enjoy hot!
  5. Enjoy


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Zan!!Stewed Chicken with Three Cups Sauce


A fresh way of the classic taiwanese three-cup chicken.  SelectED chicken with a kind of special ‘San bei’ sauce which requires three main ingredients – soy sauce, rice wine, and sesame oil. An abundant amount of Thai basil and ginger make this heavenly spicy chicken-stew.


  • 1/4 Cup Green Peppers
  • 1 Pack Chicken Thigh
  • 1 Teaspoon Chilli Pepper
  • 1 Pack Basil Leaf
  • 2 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
  • 1 Pack Three Cup Sauce
  • 2 Teaspoon Cooking Oil
  • 1 Pack Mixed Herb


1.  Fry the chicken thigh

Heat the pan with high heat, pour in cooking oil. Put in chicken thigh and fry for 3 minutes. When the chicken turns gold, take out. Reserve the oil in the pan. put ginger and garlic from the mixed herb.

2.  Season the chicken thigh

Heat the remaining oil, put in shallot, stir-fry till burnt brown, then put in ginger and garlic, fry over high heat for 1 minute. Put in chilli pepper and chicken thigh, add in three cup sauce and 20ml water, change to medium heat and boil for 3 minutes.

3.  Boil the vegetables

Put in 2 kinds of pepper. Change to high heat to dense the juice. Sprinkle with sesame oil before removing from heat. Sprinkle with basil leaf.

4.  Plate your dish

Lay the cooked dish on plate, serve hot!

5. Enjoy



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Zan!!Braised Taro with Edamame and Salted Meat

Braised taro with edamame and salted meat is a traditional Shanghai dish. Only 15 minutes, you can easily make this delicious classic dish at home.


  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 Tablespoon White Pepper
  • 2 Tablespoon Cooking Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
  • 1 Pack Edamame
  • 1 Pack Taro
  • 2 Scallion


1.preparation Work 

Cut the scallion into sections, dice the taro.

Zan!!Blanched Kai-lan with Soy Sauce

The famous Chinese vegetables every one can now create at home, delicious and healthy, surprisingly simple. From my professional direction, you can easily appear on the list of Chinese cooking broccoli brief but completely white retain its natural green vitality and crunchy taste! (This approach also applies to cooking asparagus and lettuce)


  • 2 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 Pack Chinese Broccoli (Kai-lan)
  • 2 Tablespoon Chef Special Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil