
Cook probably be a little ceremony for our hard work in peacetime. So people need a little reward for striving to live. Since it is a reward, it can not be too perfunctory, if still as usual,just eating two slices of bread. It seems to live up to the holidays. But if too complex is not good, not even the people rested and tired myself. After much deliberation, make Chinese food is the best idea .

   All my cooked here.

Leave your comments with any opinion:)

Life is too short

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets。
So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t。

And believe that everything happens for a reason。If you get a chance – take it;

If it changes your life – let it;

Nobody said that it would be easy。

 They just promised it would be worth it。

Pray that everyone in Tianjin is brought to safety

Ariel view of the site after an explosion in a warehouse storing flammable materials and chemicals in the Binhai New Area in North China’s Tianjin Municipality on Thursday.
At least 17 people were killed and another 400 were injured, including 32 critically, after a series of blasts at the warehouses in the port of Tianjin late on Wednesday, which sent waves of explosions that shattered nearby vehicles, roads and buildings.


Living in New Zealand

Living in New Zealand is very challenging.
I missed being home with my family back home in China but being here I enjoy my time at school inter-acting with other students and studying..
I like the way how people accept me when I first attend school.I made some new friends at school mostly Chinese to be honest reason being that I tend to shy off sometimes because I’m still building confedence in my english language..